Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Friday, January 10, 2025

Why The US Navy Really Needs This One Forest in Indiana

0 seconds ago
Indiana is an "F" tier state?  Indiana is an industrial powerhouse with vast amounts of farmland and natural forests.  Columbus, Indiana, where I grew up and retired 40 years later, was determined to be the safest small city in the country.  The city is also famous for its architecture and is the worldwide headquarters of Cummins Engine Company.

German is not all that odd

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Jordan Peterson: The Rationalists and Empiricists Have Lost

Jordan Peterson is a great intellectual public speaker who is often inciteful.  However, he views truth in terms of psychological perception.  He has no sense of absolute truth but views truth as subjective.  I think that this is a form of Relativism.  Followed to its logical extreme, a person could believe or rationalize anything.

In this regard, Jordan Peterson is not rational.  It may be that most people view truth according to their subjective experiences, but regardless of what we perceive or want truth to be, truth doesn't care about our feelings.  Ideas are either true or they are not.