Sunday, December 15, 2024

Jordan Peterson: The Rationalists and Empiricists Have Lost

Jordan Peterson is a great intellectual public speaker who is often inciteful.  However, he views truth in terms of psychological perception.  He has no sense of absolute truth but views truth as subjective.  I think that this is a form of Relativism.  Followed to its logical extreme, a person could believe or rationalize anything.

In this regard, Jordan Peterson is not rational.  It may be that most people view truth according to their subjective experiences, but regardless of what we perceive or want truth to be, truth doesn't care about our feelings.  Ideas are either true or they are not.

Friday, November 29, 2024

Hitler's Funniest Night EVER

8 days ago
This wasn't Hitler. It was Matyas rakosi who was a Hungarian dictator

2 weeks ago
The is a real story, tho it wasnt hitler, it was a hungarian communist leader

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Star Trek Unification (Kirk's Journey to the afterlife)

With the help of the latest special effects, William Shatner along with Sam Witwer, who played in Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars animation, play James T. Kirk at different ages.  It is about Kirk's journey to the afterlife.

Although it is good, I'm not as blown away by it.  The special effects are a novelty.  It is a lovely way to say goodbye to Kirk.  Kirk seeing his younger self reminds me of 2001, A Space Odyssey.  

Lenard Nimoy died almost ten years ago.  All our old favorite actors are dying off, which makes this all the more touching.

The final scene looks like it could have been shot in "The Volume" which is a Lucasfilm spherical stage where all the walls are screens to create artificial scenery.  The Mandalorian series was created primarily on this stage.

One day, a computer will fit on a desk (1974)

I may have posted this before.

Friday, November 1, 2024

History Brought to Life with Ai Magic Vol.1

First of all, it is astonishing what can be accomplished with AI.

At three minutes we see the future queen of England.  She earned my respect by being a truck driver and auto mechanic during World War II.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Trump Serves Customers At McDonald's Drive-Through In Pennsylvania

After the Trump conviction, I thought that the election was over.
After the first Trump assassination attempt, and his stunning reaction, I thought that the election was over.
After Trump serves french fries to drive-through customers in Pennsylvania, I think the election is over.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Why did farmers DESTROY trees to PLANT trees?

How NOT to Land a Parachute

In the past, I wanted to try skydiving, but not anymore.  I'm getting older and it is too risky.

I have heard that in parachute training they make you fall from increasing heights until you can fall and land from a height of 16 feet.  That's a pretty big drop.  According to the laws of physics, you would be traveling at 32 feet per second.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

This makes NO SENSE!🎁

It is hard to see, but he turns the second box 90 degrees before removing the lid.  If the boxes are not perfect cubes, he might be able to fit the first box in the second box.  I don't think the lid would close all the way, but it doesn't have to.  It creates the illusion that the smaller box contains the larger one.

Shortest ever IQ test: The Donut Question 🍩

I suspect that an AI would get this wrong because it would process the question verbally instead of logically.

The Pepsi Navy

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Test Drive Off-Road 3 (GBC) - see the RUMBLE PAK!

17 hours ago
I am listed as the lead programmer on this game, which I only barely remember because it was 25 years ago and I worked on many different projects.

The sound seems annoying.   The game seems dated to me.  We jokingly referred to these games as bathtub races because they were 2D.  The hardware was too primitive to do 3D.

In the video game industry at the time, the emphasis was on getting projects done as quickly as possible to make the Christmas market which really starts in the fall.  It takes time to manufacture a game, so you had to finish during summer. If you didn't get a game done on time then it was a financial disaster.

So consequently, quality was a secondary consideration.  We did the best we could, but if we had more time I'm sure that we could have made better games.

24 minutes ago
Whoa! You made this game and watched my video!? Super cool. Any chance you can DM on Twitter or email? I would really like to ask/interview you regarding GB development, highlighting the GBC Rumble Pak. I am really curious to learn more.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Joe Rogan : The SKI Problem in USA 😳

I used to see someone every year with a cast and I would ask them what happened, and I always would get a one word answer, "Skiing."

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Steven Spielberg is Lucas' ride or die?

Steven Spielberg has an Arcade1up Star Wars in his home, like me.  The other arcade machine in his home is an original Dig Dug arcade game.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Rare Golden Ship Galaga Glitch

The golden ship reemerges when the game switches back to the second player.

The enemy ship switched to the wrong characters for that sprite but kept the same color palette.  If we assume that ship type is a single byte value, then that byte was somehow overwritten with a bad value, hypothetically a zero or a one which could be the value for the player ship.  Errors like this could be caused by a memory overflow where a value was written outside the bounds of a table or the limited stack memory was exceeded.

I learned that if Player 1 exceeds 999,999 points, it will not display the millions in the score.  It is not clear if the player's score still counts as being over a million, or if it goes back to zero.  However, the second player does not have this problem and his score can reach 8 digits.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Easy Company Veteran on combat from D-Day to the Eagle's Nest | Ed Shames

Colonel Edward "Ed" Shames was the last surviving officer of Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division. A unit that would be made famous by the miniseries Band of Brothers.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Friday, April 5, 2024

The Day After The Moon Landing

Comforting Facts That Will Make Your Day - Part 8

I'll explain how it DOESN’T work

The customer is always right…

Did You Know These Facts? - Part 4

check on me in 6 hours please

Did You Know These Facts?

Satisfying Greek alphabet fact. How did I not know??

Saturday, March 30, 2024